
Campus Address

Lawrence Technological University
21000 West Ten Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48075-1058

Important Phone Numbers


Campus Hotline

Campus Operator / Directory Assistance

Students in Technology Achieving Results (S.T.A.R.)


Our Purpose

The Students in Technology Achieving Results (S.T.A.R.)计划提供资源和机会,旨在支持本科生完成学士学位.

以下是这些资源的概述以及如何参与. The S.T.A.R program is funded by the King- Chávez -Parks Select Student Support Services (4S) Initiative,一项联邦资助的资助.




Our Programs

Incoming first-year students are encouraged to participate in CAMPUS Connections, a seven-day introduction to college life. CAMPUS Connections participants' days are divided among academic, co-curricular, and fun team-building activities.
During CAMPUS Connections, participants will:

  • 了解利记sbo的校园,大学资源和更大的大都会底特律社区
  • 通过互动式成功研讨会,开发学术成功所需的技能工具包
  • 通过有趣的团队建设活动和郊游建立新的友谊和支持网络
  • 参加教师主导的研讨会,为重新参加数学和/或写作考试做准备
  • Get a head start on their fall classes by participating in AAC Pre-courses

This program is run by current 利记sbo Scholars in partnership with CAMPUS Connections professional staff.

所有在即将到来的秋季学期住在校园里的CAMPUS Connections参与者可以提前搬进指定的房间.

Questions or concerns may be submitted to  scholars@ycdwkj666.com , or call 248.204.4120.


In search of community! Join 利记sbo Scholars!

The 利记sbo Scholars Program is an inclusive, 紧密联系的学生社区,他们相互支持彼此的学术和生活目标. Becoming an 利记sbo Scholar offers many benefits, 包括专业学者、工作人员和利记sbo学者的学术和社会支持.

利记sbo学者定期举行会议,讨论一些学术和专业主题, in addition to enjoying food, fellowship, and the occasional off-campus adventure.

利记sbo学者计划贯穿整个学年,对所有专业和背景的新生和在读学生开放. 利记sbo奖学金没有最低GPA或会员要求,并向任何寻求多元化的利记sbo学生开放, supportive community. Complete the short interest form below to get started today!

Online Interest Form

Student Feature: Jaylen

You may not write like J. K. Rowling, but we’ll help you find your words.

The  Horldt Family Writing Center  协助利记sbo学生使用CANVAS、Zoom或In-person在线写作. 该中心由教师组成,他们将与学生一对一会面. 全年,他们举办各种研讨会,重点介绍大量的写作资源和常见的写作错误.

霍尔特家庭写作中心位于一站式中心(大学出纳)的拐角处,可以通过以下方式到达  WritingCenter@ycdwkj666.com .

Director:  Laura McCann

A culture of relevance and ownership!

数学先修课程的重点是提高学生的代数技能和函数的应用. It is found that students who perform poorly in math, because of inadequate math preparation, are limited in their potential and have increased educational costs, increased time to graduation, and may be the cause for a student to drop-out.

主题涵盖(多项式,指数,对数,三角)函数和圆. 数学分班测试的目标是让学生能够解二次方程, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric, to graphically and numerically represent functions, applications of the above functions in real world problems, concepts needed for calculus sequence.

如果你是一名新录取的大一新生或转学本科生,其分数线已经将你置于大学代数或微积分预科的边缘, we provide a free 3-day summer workshop to help you reconnect algebra and pre-calculus fundamentals.  工作坊由现任教授授课,在最后一天你将有机会重新参加你的分班考试. 


Sign-Up Here

For more information contact Prof. Bashkim Zendeli at   bzendeli@ycdwkj666.com  .

Follow the process!

当学术成就中心开始开发数学学习指南系列时,他们考虑到了学生. These modules, focused on solving math problems, 是由学生根据教授和学生导师的意见开发的吗. It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3!

  1. 参加预测验——预测验将帮助你了解你可能需要复习的地方.
  2. 查看相应的视频-该视频将向您展示如何一步一步地解决类似问题.
  3. 参加课后测验——课后测验将挑战你运用复习视频中强化的知识来更好地理解数学过程和概念.

Note taking can be so much easier!

你是否患有医学诊断的暂时或永久性残疾,影响了你记笔记的效果和效率? For students who qualify, the Office of Disability Services 提供一对一的会议与专门的顾问谁可以是一个倡导者,你在校园,并为您提供关键的洞察大学资源. You may also be eligible to utilize a special software, Glean, that uses voice recognition to record and translate voice to text.

Please reach out to  disability@ycdwkj666.com  for more information.

Coordinator:  Veronica Selke

职业服务办公室提供了大量的资源来帮助你做出有效的职业规划决策. 人们常常很难找到能突出自己技能的词语, 但是职业顾问可以做一个模拟面试,帮助你发现自己的优势.  顾问们也非常善于帮助你利用你的教育和经验来找到最适合你的职业道路. 你可以单独开会,也可以参加各种各样的活动,比如雇主聊天, career fairs, career and employee related workshops, and more.

您可以通过激活您的Handshake帐户或通过以下方式与办公室联系,了解更多有关职业服务计划的信息并参与其中  ltuocs@ycdwkj666.com .

Career Advisor:  Jim Ritz

In search of community!

研究表明,当学生参与其中时,他们会有更好的大学经历. Getting involved creates community among those with similar interests. Whether you join or start a student organization, strive to be a leader. You can use the skills you gain in your future endeavors. Workshops such as leadership transition, effective communication, building community, and fundraising. 



Coordinator:  Eula Muckleroy