


  • Make sure you have removed all belongings from your room.
    • Any belongings left in the room will be thrown away and you will be billed for removal of property. 大学的宿舍 does not offer any storage over the summer.
  • Make sure you have cleaned all areas of your room, 桌子和梳妆台的抽屉, 壁橱, 窗台和所有家具, 等.
    • Any areas not cleaned will be result in a charge, 这包括楼层, 擦拭家具, 清理抽屉, 等.
  • 在东厅, you may either check out with one of your RAs, or you may turn in an Express Checkout form at the East Hall 服务台.
    • 如果没有前台工作人员, please complete an Express Checkout form and put all forms and keys in the "Outgoing Mail" slot by the printer.
  • 在罗伊斯大厅, you must see the Desk Worker at the Reuss 服务台 to complete your checkout, 或填写快速结帐表格. 
    • 如果桌子是关着的, 或者如果没有工作人员, you may have to complete the Express Checkout Form.
  • You MUST check out 24 hours after your last final, unless you have been given approval for an extended stay, or if you have already made your travel arrangements.  
  • Fill out your mail forwarding address card and turn it in at the information desk.
  • Check your mailbox one last time before turning in your keys.
  • Once you or your RA completes your room check, you will sign your RCI and turn in your keys.
    • If you are completing an Express Checkout, you will put your keys and your mail forwarding card in the envelope provided with your form and place the entire packet in the Outgoing Mail Slot. 


Donley Hall and South Hall Instructions



  • Make sure you have removed all belongings from your apartment.
    • A ny belongings left in the apartment will be thrown away and you will be billed for removal of property. 大学的宿舍 does not offer any storage over the summer.
  • Make sure you have cleaned all areas of your apartment, 包括卧室, 浴室, 厨房, 客厅, 抽屉, 等.
    • Any areas not cleaned will result in a charge, 这包括吸尘, 清洁浴室, 擦柜台, 清理抽屉, 等.
  • Go to the 服务台 in your building to check out, 或填写快速结帐表格.
    • 如果桌子是关着的, 或者工作人员不在时, you may have to complete an Express Checkout Form
  • Verify your summer address and complete a mail forwarding card.
  • Sign your ACI, or follow the instructions on the Express Checkout Form.
  • 把钥匙交上来.
    • If you are completing an Express Checkout Form, you must turn in your keys and mail forwarding card using the envelope provided with your form and slide the packet under the office door.  



Arbor loft关闭通知

  • Make sure you have removed all belongings from your apartment.
    • A ny belongings left in the apartment will be thrown away and you will be billed for removal of property. 大学的宿舍 does not offer any storage over the summer.
  • Make sure you have cleaned all areas of your apartment, 包括卧室, 浴室, 厨房, 客厅, 抽屉, 等.
    • Any areas not cleaned will result in a charge, 这包括吸尘, 清洁浴室, 擦柜台, 清理抽屉, 等.
  • Go to the Donley Hall Information desk to complete your checkout. If the 服务台 is closed, please complete an Express Checkout Form located at the desk.
    • At this time, you will turn in your room keys and complete a Mail Forwarding Card. 


居民助理 and the 大学的宿舍 专业人员 will assess all damage and cleaning charges on your ACI/RCI. Your RA will assess the room condition on your ACI/RCI during your check out.
修复, cleaning or replacement charges for damaged, dirty or unreturned/missing 大学的宿舍 property (including keys, laundry cards and furniture) will be billed to the Student Account of the resident.
ALL ROOMMATES WILL BE BILLED AN EQUAL SHARE OF DAMAGE AND CLEANING CHARGES UNLESS the individual who did the damage admits responsibility in writing.
Even if you check out prior to your roommates and when you leave the apartment is clean and t在这里 are no damages, all roommates may be billed equally for the damage.
你可以发邮件到housing@ycdwkj666.com to contest the charges as long as you checkout properly with your RA. The 居民助理 and the 专业人员 will try their best to bill students accordingly but if you have a discrepancy please do not hesitate to contact the Office of 大学的宿舍 if your student account has been charged.

点击 在这里  下载上诉表格.



Residents are required to leave their rooms in a neat and orderly condition before checking out. Following is a checklist of some items/condition the 住房 and Campus 设施 staff will be noting as they check your room:
____Furniture: make sure all furniture is put back, arranged properly, and wiped down
____Desk: clean, pull out each drawer, check underneath and behind 抽屉
____Dresser: clean, pull out each drawer, check underneath and behind 抽屉
____Bed: assembled and arranged properly. 床不能一直铺着.
____Walls: for dirt, holes, nails, tape, paint chips, 等
____Floor swept and cleaned and any tape or gummy residue removed
____Room door: free of all stickers, door tags, flyers, 等. 和锁
____Window:关闭 & 锁好了,窗台也擦干净了
____All trash removed and taken to the dumpster
____Cable and Ethernet cords left in room on desk