


  • 查看网站上的所有房屋更新信息, 在大学宿舍发的邮件中, and in the 房屋更新2024程序文件.
  • 所有住在宿舍的学生都需要有一份膳食计划. 
  • 确定你明年想要的室友和房子.
  • 填写所有必要的表格,包括:
    • 住宅应用程序 -每个室友都需要完成自己的申请.
    • Roommate Request & 房间偏好表
      • This form allows students to rank their building preferences and provide specific potential rooms. 可提供的房间请参阅每栋楼的平面图.
      • Only one form is needed per room, if you have already planned who your roommates will be.
      • Failure to complete this form will result in Housing staff placing you based on any preferences listed on your housing application or in any available space.
      • 如果你明年没有室友计划,请填写 Roommate Survey 这样我们就能给你找个最好的室友.
    • 男女混合政策表格
      • 只有当你计划明年住在男女混合宿舍时,才需要这份表格.
      • 请记住,房间 must 等坐满了再申请男女合住的房间. 这个房间只需要一张表格.
    • 超额占用表格
      • This form is only necessary if you plan to live in an over-occupied room next year.
    • 希望在2024年夏季入住的居民必须提交一份 暑期住宿申请 除了秋季住房申请. 更多信息请访问我们的网站 暑期申请页面.
  • 在指定的房屋更新日, 您将通过电子邮件发送您的住房申请和任何其他必要的表格到 housing@ycdwkj666.com.
    • 如果你和室友一起报名,你必须指定 ONE 为所有室友提交所有表格的人.
    • 每个学生都必须有自己的住房申请. 如果提交其他表格,房间只需要一份. 
  • 更多利记sbo续借时间的信息可以在 续订计划页面.
  • All forms must be emailed on your assigned day or of the assigned day of the roommate with the highest class status. 每个房间只需要提交一封邮件. 
  • 表格应通过电子邮件发送至 housing@ycdwkj666.com 主题是:住房更新2024.
  • 一旦你的邮件被提交,不要回复那封邮件. 如果你有问题,可以单独发邮件.


  • The Office of 大学的宿舍 will be placing all students based on the following criteria:
    • 你的报名日期/班级排名
    • Place in line - all applications will be timestamped in the order they are received which becomes your place in line. 
    • 首选的建筑和房间选择.
  • 收到申请后, 他们将被标注时间和编号,并按照当天小组的顺序排列.
    • For example, 如果你有高级职位,我们会首先收到你的申请, 你和你的室友将被安排在高年级实习的第一轮. 如果你是第五位在一周内通过电子邮件发送申请的高年级学生, 你和你的室友们将在高年级实习阶段排名第五, etc.
  • The Office of 大学的宿舍 will look at your preferences marked on the 室友请求和房间偏好表. 
    • For example, 如果你的第一选择是唐利的两居室公寓, 然后选择三个房间, 这取决于你被分配的时间和位置, 你可以选择一个房间, 或者我们会给您安排不同楼层的相同房间号. 
    • 如果没有房间可供选择, 但是这个建筑是, 我们会尽量把你安排在同一栋楼的另一个房间.
    • 如果你选择的第一个建筑的所有房间都满了, 我们会把你安排到第二个房间, 或者可能是第三种选择, 视可用空间而定. 
    • Please remember, the Roommate Request and Room Preferences form is a guide for Housing staff regarding your preferences,并不能保证放置在特定的空间.
  • 建设需求
    • Donley Hall -优先考虑那些房间将被占用的人 ALL 毕业生,高年级学生,三年级学生,或者那些即将在秋季进入三年级的学生. If you sign up with a current freshman or sophomore who will still be at freshman or sophomore status in the fall, 你会被安排在唐利大厅 如果在优先放置之后有空间. 
      • For example, if a Senior and Junior status student sign up with two students who will only be at Sophomore standing in the Fall, they will be placed at the end of the Junior day once priority is given to those who are signing up with all eligible roommates (all Juniors and above). 
  • 你的班级排名是基于 credits completed. 当前(2024年春季)学分不计算在内. 按班级级别,招聘轮次将按以下顺序进行:
    • Graduate Student
    • 高级:90学分以上
    • 大三:60 - 89学分
    • 二年级:30 - 59学分
    • 大一:0 - 29学分
  • Do Not contact the Office of 大学的宿舍 in regards to where you were placed once the week of renewal is over. 所有学生将在7月份通过电子邮件收到他们的安置通知. 我们不会回复任何询问安置的电子邮件.
  • 候补名单的过程
    • 如果你收到你的安置在七月,并没有得到你的 选择的建筑,然后您可以将候补名单表格发送到 housing@ycdwkj666.com.
    • We will not accept waitlist forms for a different room number within the same building you were assigned.


  • 把你需要的所有表格下载到你的电脑上并保存.
  • 在指定日期之前提交的所有表格 不被接受.
  • 一旦你的表格被提交,他们将被编号为您的位置排队. 这是住房部将给你分配房间的顺序.
  • Once you have emailed your forms, DO NOT reply to that email or you may lose your place in line. 如果你需要补充一些东西或者有问题,可以单独发一封邮件.
  • Single rooms are not available unless you have a pre-approved accommodation from the Office of 残疾人服务 prior 至房屋更新.
  • All returning students will receive their placement via their 利记sbo email in July. DO NOT 在此之前,请与住房办公室联系您的安置. Inquiries regarding placement before placement emails are sent out will not be answered. 
  • 高年级学生将于8月24日和25日入住. 
  • 住在大学宿舍, 你必须是注册的全日制学生, 并且必须在整个学期中保持适当的学分. 

*每个学生都有责任并被要求阅读 住房的指导方针 在每学年开始时通知他们任何住房方面的变化. 它们可以被定位 here.


注:所有楼的所有房间均可入住 except RA Rooms,如下所列.
Do not request a room with one of these numbers on your 房间和室友偏好表.
Donley Hall客房是07楼和16楼.
Reuss HallRA房间是108和2015.
South HallRA房间是04和10号



  • 每个室友必须填写自己的住房申请表, but only one roommate within a room should email all of the applications and forms on their assigned day or the day of the roommate with the highest class status.
  • 如果你的室友今年住在校外, 他们仍然可以在房屋更新周期间提交申请. Please be sure to include them on your application and the 室友请求和房间偏好表.
  • 你应该把你想要的室友放在你的住房申请上.
  • You and your roommates only need to submit one 室友请求和房间偏好表. 一定要和室友讨论一下可能的房间号.
  • 如果你没有室友, you should still fill out the 室友请求和房间偏好表 to secure your specific building and room number preferences.
  • 如果你没有室友,请提交一份室友调查. 即使你以前提交过, 我们要求您在续订期间每年重新提交一份新表格. 
  • 21岁以上和21岁以下居民居住的房间
    • Rooms that occupy students where one or more residents are 21 or older and at least one or more is younger than 21 are permitted.
    • Rooms with mixed ages must be agreed upon and mutually requested by all roommates involved, 他们必须上交酒精 & 秋季学期第一周的室友政策和合同表格. 您将从您的住宿助理那里收到表格.
    • This policy is in place to ensure that all residents of the room understand and agree to the University Student Code of Conduct and University 住房的指导方针 alcohol policies. 


  • Co-ed living and over occupied apartments are allowed on any returning student floor in both buildings.
  • 为了请求这个, 所有学生必须同意并相互要求同一室友并上交 Co-Ed Policy form or the 超额占用政策 房屋更新表格.
  • Each apartment/room must be filled to maximum capacity at all times for co-ed rooms. 如果任何时候有人搬出男女合住的公寓, 寻找新室友是现有室友的责任. 如果你不能这样做, the apartment will be converted back to single gender and the Office of 大学的宿舍 may reassign you to another space.
  • The Office of 大学的宿舍 would never place a student into a co-ed living apartment unless it was mutually agreed upon by all of the roommates.
  • 超额入住的房间没有折扣.


  • 在房屋更新期间,将实行整合政策. 在房屋更新期间,所有房间都将被填满.
  • 如果你没有足够的室友来填满你喜欢的房间, 你会得到一个随机分配的室友.


  • 如果你在七月收到你的安置,而没有得到你的 选择的建筑,然后您可以将候补名单表格发送到 housing@ycdwkj666.com
  • We will not accept waitlist forms for a different room number within the same building you were assigned.
  • The Office of 大学的宿舍 makes every attempt to keep you in the room that you signed into during housing renewal. 然而,有时需要你的调动.
  • You will receive notification by mail or email by mid to late July of your room assignment for the fall. Be sure to check your email over the summer for important information about your housing assignment.


    你是否希望在提交住房合同后取消合同, 请注意以下事项:
    • Approved cancellations before July 31st will receive a full refund and no cancellation fee. 但是,你的住房保证金将被没收.
    • 8月1日之后,直到开课前一天,才允许取消课程, will receive a full refund but will be assessed a $250 cancellation fee and will forfeit your housing deposit.
    • Approved cancellations after the first day of classes will be assessed a $500 cancellation fee and will forfeit your housing deposit and will be refunded according to the refund schedule.
    • 请仔细阅读申请和合同的条款和条件.

更多利记sbo合同取消的信息可以在这里找到 here.



请填写住房申请并通过电子邮件发送至housing@ycdwkj666.com. All students who want to live on campus for the 2024-2025 academic year must complete a 住宅应用程序.


As a reminder, 如果你明年有室友的话, 你可以考虑每个房间提交一个房间和室友偏好表.


希望在2024年夏季入住的居民必须提交一份申报表 暑期住宿申请 然后他参加了 至少一门利记sbo课程.

Co-Ed Policy

All students must agree and mutually request the same roommates and turn in this contract form. 每间公寓在任何时候都必须达到最大容量.
这是高年级学生的选择 only.


All students must agree and mutually request the same roommates and turn in this contract form. All students recognize that it is his/her choice to live in an over occupied room and therefore, 不打折扣.

Roommate Survey

如果你没有选择特定的室友, please fill out this form and turn it in with your completed 住宅应用程序.